Best Android Apps for Rooted Android Mobiles

2 minute read
Android apps are always plays certain incredible role in the day to day life of the users for sure. There are varieties of apps made accessible in this platform and you can certainly make the most of them as per your desire for sure. Some of the smart mobile phone users of android made the Rooting process which gives them awesome mode of enjoying the complete features made with the Android mobile indeed. As there are plenty of incredible features and benefits are made accessible with the process of rooting, most of the users prefers do the same. Let us see the essential android apps available for the rooted mobiles, which are also released recently.

Best Android Apps for Rooted Android Mobiles 2014

Titanium Backup:
You can definitely able to create certain backup, restore as well as freeze option with the help of this pretty Smart android app for sure. This means that, you can certainly get the possible mode of backup to the protected apps as well as the system apps available in both the phone as well as the SD card memory indeed. The pro version of this android app gives you the process of backup without opening any apps indeed.

This is certainly one of the best in class performing android apps available for the rooted mobiles. There are various impressive features made accessible with this android app using which you can certainly get the smartest mode of leading life with your Smartphone. The popularity of the apps keeps rising for sure.

ROM Manager:
The name of the android app itself gives you the right mode of awesome meanings and functionalities made available with the same. This is really considered as the most android app for the rooted mobile for sure. The best feature made accessible with this app was that, you can certainly utilize the regular and scheduled backup which is really valuable asset made with this android app.

BusyBox Installer:
Busybox helps the android users to make advanced process of scheduling their tasks through this incredible app. You will certainly get the right platform for scheduling the tasks indeed. As this is app is surely created over the linux/unix based commands, you can really get awesome experience with the same.

Root Explorer:
Explorer file is one of the essential apps available for the Android mobile. Root Explorer is really comes handy in the following situations such as, want to change system file permission or other files on the system partition or manually want to push apks. There are now many other file explorer app to access root level files. But Root Explorer is not available for free download.

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