Hello all, in case you're composing an application for the two telephones also, tablet you need to have diverse UI designs for various screen sizes you might end up in a comparative circumstance if the client has an inclination set for a lot bigger text dimension or needs to limit movements on account of media question and get data about what size devise you're on just as client inclinations and construct your format appropriately a past gadget of the week presented format manufacturer which can disclose to you how much space a specific the gadget has an accessible media inquiry gives a more significant level perspective on your applications screen estimate and can give more nitty gritty data about client design inclinations in the training media inquiries are continuously there you simply access it by calling media case of in your assemble the strategy from that point you can look into all kinds of intriguing data about the gadget you're running on like the size of the screen and fabricate your design appropriately, media inquiry likewise permits you to check your gadget's direction or decide whether the client has altered the the default text dimension you can likewise look at the pieces of the screen that are darkened by framework UI similar as a lower level safe region gadget you can query fascinating availability data like whether the gadget is mentioning you limit your activitys or the level of screen contrast for more data on media question and any remaining vacillates gadgets look at vacillate dev Many thanks for all.