100 Free Wi-Fi Hotspots in India – Google & RailTel

3 minute read
When it comes to the communication stuffs, India is still behind several developed countries for sure. India is experiencing the 4G LTE network just a couple of months back (currently available only on certain major cities), whilst the developed countries are trying for the 5G communications. Hence, there are several new features opened by the tech giants around the world for the development of Indian communications system. In such a way, Google is revealed to introduce free Wi-Fi hotspots in India at major railways stations. With that note, Google along with RailTel made their initial step to the introduction of Free Wi-Fi Railways Stations in India today.

Indian Railways Railtel Free High Speed Internet:
100 Free Wi-Fi Hotspots in India – Google & RailTel
100 Free Wi-Fi Hotspots in India – Google & RailTel
Along with the Internet giant Google India, the Indian Railways RailTel made an official announcement that, it is set to launch the High Speed Free Wi-Fi Internet services on major railway stations on India. According to that, Mumbai railways receives the first public (free) Wi-Fi service today, exactly at the Mumbai Central Railway Station. It also stated that, this special service will be expanded to 100 busiest stations in India in the future. Interestingly, RailTel made an official statement that, there will be 400 Free Wi-Fi Stations across India within the end of this year.

Among the other 100 cities to get the early Free Wi-Fi service locations, Allahabad, Patna, Jaipur and Ranchi railway stations are the next to get the service respectively. You can use both the Laptop and Mobile (Smartphone) Wi-Fi stuff to get connected to the available free Wi-Fi hotspots. This feature allows the user to browse for various needs, like HD videos, music, save videos for offline viewing, and so on.

While commenting about this great initiative in India, RailTel managing director & Chairman RK Bahuguna stated that, “Our intent was to fulfil Indian Railway's vision of providing Railway passengers access to high speed Internet through our Optical fiber communication network. Affordable smartphones have made it possible for the common men to experience the power of Internet. With our partnership with Google, we are very confident of rolling out a robust, scalable service at Railway stations in the near future.”

While speaking about this Google South East Asia Vice President Anandan stated that, “We're delighted to launch India's first high speed public WiFi service in partnership with Indian Railways. Bringing affordable Internet access to millions of people is an important part of making the Internet both easily accessible and useful for more than 300 million Indians who are already online, and the nearly one billion more who are not. By end of this year over 10 million people will be able to enjoy this experience at 100 stations spread across the country. I would like to thank the Indian Railways for their support and vision to provide a world class high speed public WiFi network at the stations.”

Let us hope this Free Public Wi-Fi internet facility reaches every Indian Railways stations at its best in a real time manner. 

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