Android mobiles are really easy prone to the virus programs in various forms. Most of us definitely love to download the games and applications for various needs and we definitely doesn’t read the terms & conditions, and directly we press “Install” option. There are plenty of malware are spread in this form only. The security applications find more a several thousands of such applications even in the Google Play Store. Hence, the importance of the mobile security apps is highly growing in one direction. If you consider saving your sensitive data or information you possessed with your tablet or the Smartphone, just don’t hesitate to make the most of the following Android Security Applications.
Cheetah Mobile Clean Master:
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This is certainly one among the “Best Android Security Product” and the same yield the award from the AV test in the year 2014. According to the test reports, this Cheetah security mobile app found 100% of the mobile malwares up to date and it certainly keeps updating them. Just a week ago the test were re-conducted, the results were 99.9% in real time manner. There are plenty of ad-ons applicable with this app, such as battery saving & more.
As you feel safe with the desktop or laptop virus with the help of Avast, the same security features is ensured with ensured with the Mobile as well. All the major essential features for the mobile are gifted with this Avast mobile security app. You can use the lock & swipe for the primary security followed by the tracking of lost or stolen mobile from specific filter calls & messages. If you mistyped any viral URLs, this app gives you the redirect to the safe websites.
Mobile Security Bitdefender:
This Bitdefender mobile app gives you easy scans on Android devices and you can have the right privacy of your entire terms at its best. It comes with default app lock feature, where you will have to enter distinctive passwords for various applications. The negative part of the app is that, it is not a free version and hence you have to pay €9.95/year or just €0.99 per month.
Ahnlab V3 Mobile Security:
The Ahnlab V3 Mobile Security app comes with predefined Encrypt Data services on various SD cards you use and at the time of sharing as well. You can encrypt your desired sensitive pictures and documents on sharing through other 3rd party applications indeed. You can also get protected on most of your bank account maintaining apps.
Avira is also an old enemy of computer virus and the AV test results proved that, the new Avira mobile security app gives you the finest security through yielding 5.5/6. Though it doesn’t get any special ad-on features, like the rest of its competitors, it has the standard Anti-theft applications and protects finer against the malware & phishing websites.