4 New Smartphones would comes in Acer – IAF 2015

2 minute read
Launching new mobile phones in the industry by Acer is definitely not a big task at all. At the same time, maintaining proper anticipation and satisfying the same is a big task for any new comers and Acer definitely lies in that scale for no reasons. Though, the competition for any Smartphone makers are really up and high in these days, Acer did well in their past Smartphone launches. The decent specs followed by disciplined rates make them to get considerations in budget friendly Smartphone sectors. Acer is also expected to join a few Smartphone makers, who are in the process of making mobile in two great giant software platforms, such as Android & Windows indeed.
4 New Smartphones would comes in Acer – IAF 2015
4 New Smartphones would comes in Acer – IAF 2015
4 New Smartphones from Acer:

Hope you all aware of the upcoming meetup IFA 2015. This is certainly considered as a Mini mobile world congress event and scheduled to hold by September 2015 in Berlin. There is no doubt, Acer will join the meet and launch their latest arrivals categorically. According to one of the German online store, Roland Quandt stated that, Acer could launch 4 new devices at the event. The most interesting news with them was, all the 4 devices could be boasting with the Windows operating system.

No Specs Details Unveiled:

Although the leaks were stated about the 4 latest Windows phones from Acer, there is no official confirmation were made on it. Nevertheless it specs were unveiled by Roland Quandt too. One thing is definitely clear, the mobile will be running on the Redmond, the Acers stand alone Windows operating system platform.

While speaking about the same with the Microsoft Software (South Africa) head Anthony Doherty, he stated that, the latest Windows 10 operating system for the Smartphone may come by November or later.

The Official Twitter Post from Roland Quandt:

“Actually, Acer has FOUR new Windows Phones coming. Launch probably at IFA 2015. — Roland Quandt (@rquandt)”

Interestingly, one person tweeted him about the availability of the latest version Windows 10 operating system with the upcoming Acer mobiles. In replying to them, Roland stated that, he things it might come with the same, right out of the box!

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