Though Smartphones are the leading sellers in the mobile world, sometimes the Tablet followed by Smart wearables are also making its time in the sector. HP is one among the few consumer electronics maker, who is highly concentrated on the Tablet gadgets instead of mobiles. Hope you know, the HP Slate 7 Ultra Tablet was launched last July in Singapore and the same tablet with altered specifications are being launched in India. The cost of the tablet is fixed with Rs.29990/-, while the MRP of the same is expected to go up to Rs.32300/- in retails. The Mumbai based retailer, Mahesh Telecom is the one who launched the official specs sheet of the HP Slate 7 Ultra in India.
5000mAh Battery Tablet Launched by HP Slate 7 Ultra |
Specifications Launched to HP Slate 7 Ultra Tablet:
- It Runs on Android Jelly Bean OS
- 7 inches Full HD Display
- 1.6GHz Quad Core Processor
- 2GB RAM, 16GB Internal & 32GB Expandable Memory
- Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 4G LTE Connectivity Support
- 13MP Rear Camera with 5MP Selfie
- Built in 5000mAh Battery
Operating System:
The operating system of the HP Slate 7 Ultra Tablet is really a older version of Android, i.e. it is featured with Android Jelly Bean OS version 4.2. This could really a backward point in the current market. If the same gets any decent update to the current trendy Android OS like either Kitkat or Lollipop, it could really improvise its attraction in the tablet lovers.
Camera Features:
Definitely not all tablets in the market are really doing well in this section, but the HP Slate 7 Ultra is really done brilliant job with it. Yes, it provides perfect match to the leading Smartphones by enabling the Rear camera with 13MP sensor followed by 5MP at the Selfie sector. The rear also as the LED flash for the low light image and video requirements.
RAM & Storage of HP Slate 7 Ultra:
The built in 2GB RAM makes the tablet gives handy solution to the multitasking lovers on the go. It is well coupled with the heart of the tablet to make itself feels sense at faster. The built in 16GB internal memory makes you to carry your files easily and also the same support 32GB expandable memory as well.
Processor and Connectivity Features:
The HP Slate 7 Ultra is not like other tablet in the market, it’s something beyond the same. Yes, the processor is built with 1.6GHz speed, which as Quad Core technology in it. This ensures the tablet runs faster and smoother as well. While coming to the connectivity of the same, it has ample of wireless connections including the advanced 4G LTE mobile network, Bluetooth version 4.0, Dual Band Wi-Fi, AGPS and more.
Battery Features:
This is great news for the tablet lovers, as the HP Slate 7 Ultra is improvised with 5000mAh battery. This is really good news for both high end game lovers as well as the office purpose users.