Install Privacy Android Apps for Securing Your Contacts

We are approaching another world of communication right after the implementation of plenty of apps through the Android operating system (Google Play Store). Interestingly, Social Chat Apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, WeChat and many other related apps made our communication goes faster and easier in both the video and voice/text platforms. But, have you ever thought of the privacy you possessed with this kind of chatting apps? Unfortunately, our privacy with this social apps are prevented or taken care much. According to the recent survey in internet, almost 80% of the Android Smartphone users utilizes the WhatsApp as their primary messaging platform.
But, WhatsApp is not only the social Android app available for the messaging requirements. 
Install Privacy Android Apps for Securing Your Contacts

You can avail bundle apps in the Play store. There are also certain community, which is exceptionally loving the traditional carrier supported text messages to convey their messages. Though you have a strong pattern with your Android Lockscreen, the text messages can right away access to the home screen without your permission with the Lock Pattern!

We have come up with the brand new security richer Android App “SMS Lock” is absolutely a life saver for those who wanted to protect their retreat. Incredibly, though the notification will be enabled on the home screen, unless you make a pattern will be able to view those messages. There will be a unique folder created with this app, only you knew the folder location as well. The SMS lock android app works on the default messaging app as well as the Google Hangouts app too.

Steps to Install the SMS Lock Android App:

Have a space and Internet connection with your Android Smartphone. Move to the Google Play Store and search for the SMS Lock Android App.

You also directly download the Apk File to your Desktop and transfer the same to your Smartphone.

Just download and Install the Android app in your Smartphone.

Open the app and select the list of contacts which you are interested in securing communications.

By default, the Google Hangout and certain installed Social Chat Communication android app. Enable or Disable the checklist based on your interest.

There will be default lock pattern to the SMS Lock app, you can simply change the same through accessing the “Change the Lock Pattern” option.

Just click on “Continue” once you completed the above processes.

Just click over the “Enable Lock” to feature to activate the SMS locking features in your Android Smartphone.

That’s it. You have a done a finest security stuff to protect your text SMS communication wisely.

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