Top 10 Best Mobiles of 2014 | Top 10 Android Mobiles

Buying an Android based Smartphone with best in class features will definitely be one among our dreams in the technological world. There are plenty of beautiful, confusing options are made available in these days for the process of purchasing the Android based mobile due to the increase in number of Smartphone makers categorically. We are bringing you up the top 10 Smartphones in the world as of today in terms of budget, features, specifications and even popularity basis indeed. Go through the following lines to achieve the same in effective manner.

Top 10 Best Mobiles of 2014

1. HTC One M8:
Being one among the costly Android Mobile in these days, you can effectively get some of the stunning performances with the same in terms of both software and hardware specs. The Specs is really comparable with the features of the Galaxy S4 and Sony Z2 and style is matching with Apple iPhone 5C indeed.

2. Sony Xperia Z2:
Exceptional and first in Smartphone world with both Dust and Water proof conditions. The cost for the same is really equal to any of the moderate laptop in these days. But the specifications and advancement with this mobile is really awesome that allows you to get the finest Smartphone in the world in 2014.

3. One Plus One:
One of the tremendous trend setter for the Chinese based Smartphone makers – One Plus One. One plus one really has all world class features with it and the only thing which it being at number 3 is from Chinese brand.

4. Samsung Galaxy S5:
The Samsung Galaxy S5 is at number 4. The specification is really exceptional and you can definitely go for the same at exceptional rates with awesome features for your life style changes.

5. LG G2:
LG G2 a promising marketing needed Smartphone of the year for the LG industry. This Smartphone has launched in aim of targeting the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and the same goes viral in sales and familiarity comparing the Galaxy Note 2.

6. Google Nexus 5:
First Smartphone in the top 10 list from the Google Smartphone maker. The features and specs with the Nexus 5 is really incredible at the price point of view.

7. Sony Xperia Z1 Compact:
We all know the finest features possessed with this Android based Smartphone maker in these days. Sony eyeing on grasping its huge market in the Smartphone world through launching world class feature richer Smartphone in their flagship brand Xperia.

8. Apple iPhone 5c:
We are all definitely known well about the technology implementation with Apple manufactured device categorically. This new mobile from Apple is really exceptional and first in a kind of device with iOS version 8 for sure.

9. HTC One:
Again, it’s HTC who has achieved the feat with the top 10 Smartphone of 2014 list at number 9. There are plenty of impressive features available with this android mobile comparing many others, including the attractive HD Display.

10: Moto G:

This is certainly stands 10th in the list. Though this is placed at the last on the list, the specifications and features are really exceptional comparing many above at this price point of view. One important distinction with this Android mobile is that, you will be the first of kind to receive the live updates regarding the operating system for sure.

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