Android apps are really getting smarter in various points of terms. Yes, the apps are really handy in various terms not only in the pastime in entertainment richer mode, but also be versatile during the security aspects too. Most of the Smartphone users will really have the problem of taking care of their costly mobiles. As the mobile phone theft makers are grown high, you should definitely beware about the prevention of the same with your mobile. This kind of activities is really needed in the crowed and other unsecured mobile charging areas for sure. Make the most of the following anti theft mobile security apps for your safer needs.
Norton Anti Theft Android App:
You will really have an exceptional experience with your favorite Antivirus program on the windows powered system none other than Nortan categorically. The name itself will suggest you the best possible features associated with this android app categorically. There is a perfect tools associated with this app and the same lets you to take serious control on your android app in various security risks, both physical as well as software based too.
This app is really important and essential for the secured mode of communication lovers in both software and app point of view. AppLock will really give you the perfect assistance in various security aspects categorically. This app allows you to create specific password for each app available with the android system. Unless you make the perfect entry, you will never ever get the chances of accessible the mobile in any point of view.
Keep Secrets:
Yes, definitely the name of the app itself would suggest you many reliable form of information associated with the same. You can definitely keep your entire secrete oriented files in your android system with the help of this android app. None of the other unauthorized candidate can even touch the files. Almost entire files become readable mode and you can’t change the same without password.
Android Device Manager:
This android app is completely free for uses. This app monitors your phone activities periodically and sends the information about the suspicious stuffs about the location changes, and other related areas in real time manner. You can also use the same as remote controller, which allows you to get the finest mode of control over your mobile via remote.
Automatic Anti-Theft Alarm:
This is an incredible smart android app available for the security needs. This app acts itself with the process of detecting any the movement of the mobile, during the charging conditions. This will really be handy in the mode of charging in unprotected areas like railways station or any high public locations too.