Best Android Games of the Week September 2014

The availability of the android games and apps are certainly keeps on rising to skyscraper mode with the ample of app developers are being encouraged by Google Inc for sure. There is remarkable number of android apps updated in the Google play store in daily basis. Now, we have brought you some of the noteworthy android apps available with the play store which were also released over last week of august indeed. Just make the most of the upcoming android apps as per your requirements and don’t hesitate to give your comments in the accessible section of the same.

Best Android Games of the Week September 2014

Blur a Launcher Replacement Android App
It just the complete resemblance of the Google now launcher indeed with some sort of customization as well. You will certainly experience some incredible innovative technology with the same. You can simply create new page by clicking create page at single swipe which is certainly one of the top class advantage accessible with this android app. Some cool features of the Blur Android app are, it supports packs of icons, customizing the dock, gestures, effects, grid sizes, fonts, and even detects “Ok Google” command as well.

Are you interested in tracking your activities with travel and other various related stuffs and wants the same to share effectively with your friends through social sharing option? Just install the free version of incredible Rove Android app in your Smartphone without fail. You can also simply say this app as your diary for even making your daily activities for sure. You can even add some features to the app by adding the images to the notes indeed.

This Snap app certainly comes under the best photography android app available in these days. You can just make a snap of your camera through clapping your hands indeed. The operation of the android app is really simple; you can really join your friends at one place and simply clap, the camera will automatically make a incredible snap of your gang inevitably.

You can automatically take a snap of your pictures by placing your Android mobile horizontally even without unlocking your Android device. Snapshot offers a full menu setting that allows you to alter the behavior of the tool. Also you can make setting adjust to any number of delays as per your requirement for sure.

HTC ZOE is one of the exclusive Android apps available for the HTC Smartphone indeed. Now this pretty app is really available with the Android platform in the effective Beta version. There are plenty of filters and other related themes were accessible with the same for sure. You can also share the created stuff with social networks on the go.

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