Facebook can Become an Unbreakable Prison

Facebook – Why do I hate it?
10th anniversary of Facebook was recently celebrated on 04 February 2014. And the meter of Facebook’s achievements did not stop. For example, Facebook has a strong presence of over 1.23 billion active users as of January 2014. Facebook has an approximate market capitalization of over $134 billion. Facebook CEO also appeared on the list of biggest charity donors. Yet we find many of the facebook veterans or members who have used facebook for the last decade or so are getting wary of the site. The list of people who hate facebook is increasing. Surprising? Not really. We all know that. For example, from

‘Did you see the wedding photos of XYZ on facebook?’
‘Did you see her baby’s photo on facebook?’
‘Did u see their honeymoon photos on facebook?’ to
‘Did you see the rain photos on facebook?’
Did you see the morning sun’s photos on facebook?’
‘Did you see the photos of the sumptuous lunch on facebook?’
‘Did you see the photos of the twinkling stars and reminiscent moon on facebook?

Well the answer is no, I have not seen any of these photos on facebook because i thought it would be sensible enough to actually witness the beauty of the events by being present at the venue physically,  rather than being glued to facebook all day long experiencing the virtual world,  and being amused over the pictures. Why did I choose to do so? Of course there are many things happening simultaneously in the surrounding. Like the morning rays of the sun also bring the soft tunes of the birds chirping away happily.  The early morning weather freshens the soul. Not just the bride and the groom but the entire display of colours at a wedding appeals to me much more than the picture perfect photos of bride and groom on facebook. I can get wet in the rain outside, listen to the thunder, and see the lightening. I sharpen my god gifted senses when I actually experience rain rather than watching the pictures on facebook. Most importantly I receive, experience all this information first hand, unadulterated unlike on facebook.
Hate Facebook

I can choose to see what I want, listen to what I like, smell what appeals to me and taste the actual sumptuous lunch by physically being present in the rain, at the wedding, at the lunch and so on. I get the freedom when I step outside the virtual world into the reality.  The privacy settings have to be changed over and over again. Over usage of facebook decreases the productivity of the employees. Overcrowding has given a hard time to cops for events organized on facebook. Hacking is a problem which facebook is still struggling with. Profiles of children under the age of 18 go unchecked. Facebook addiction has invited a variety of psychological disorders especially among the teens. These are a few of the many problems that are increasing at an alarming rate.  

 Using facebook as a pass time once in a while is ok but when facebook becomes a way of life for some, it is sure to bring along with it a plethora of unending, ever increasing, physical, psychological problems.

Facebook can become an unbreakable prison.  The lesser we use it the better.

Don't forget to share  this with facebook addicted friends.

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  1. Gracias por aceptarme

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  6. https://www.facebook.com/orhan.belet

  7. photo.php?fbid=272342396266971&set=a.111034445731101.20503.100004736383704&type=1&theater

  8. abdimhd77@facebook.com

  9. https://www.facebook.com/cecii.romero.79656/info?collection_token=100005007577193%3A2327158227%3A8

  10. http://www.fbsavvy.com/2014/03/facebook-can-become-unbreakable-prison.html?showComment=1412020028021#c3902876455968354042

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